Post by rubi0000 on Dec 13, 2023 6:35:25 GMT
Based on the data obtained we calculated the average execution time of the Vanilla Benchmark script and presented the results in the chart above. The test software ran the fastest on the servers at nazwa.pl and the slowest on the servers at home.pl. Detailed measurement data are presented in the table below times are given in milliseconds . Detailed measurement data | name. Why is this test so important Each WordPress application performs thousands of different operations before the result in the form of a web page appears in the browser. The faster Phone Number List information from the database is processed the faster the website can be sent to the browser. The same website depending on the server speed may work x faster or x slower in the surveyed companies. Wants their website to Its most important operations in one thread although many people mistakenly believe that what matters most is its total power. However they do not know that each website request can only be processed by one processor core and the total computing power of the computing unit only affects the number of simultaneously supported hosting services and queries directed to them. If you want to know which processors are currently the fastest and which will process your PHP scripts in the shortest time visit https www.cpubenchmark.net singleThread.html server thread be slow ORDER CLOUDHOSTING Results depend on processor speed The heart of every server is its processor which processes PHP scripts and dynamically generates website content.